Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drawing I - Still Life - Day 1

I am currently taking Drawing I at the University of Wyoming and I love every second of it. We received our first take home assignment which is based on line. The hardest part was trying to decide what to draw. After a little thinking, I came up with the theme, "Boy meets Girl." It represents my life and not some random bottles and bowls that some other students are drawing. I selected one of his shoes and one of my shoes, our sunglasses, and our ititials that are made out of metal. Here is the picture of my still life. . . My charcoal drawing Day 1 (there is so much I need to do, but I have a great start) . . . and Art's pencil drawing (his is on a smaller scale). We were sitting side-by-side drawing away. It was so much fun! I will keep you updated as my drawing progresses.

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