Monday, March 22, 2010

I had the choice. . .

Today I am back to the grind stone. Spring break is offically over. It is time to go back to school. Ugh. No more free time. Books, homework, reading, typing, solving problems, and going to classes. I got home this afternoon and I was soooo tiiiiirrrreeddd, so tired. I gave myself two choices:


Or a Nap

And the NAP WON!!!
According to Dr. Deb the benefits of taking an afternoon power nap (20-30 minutes)are:

*promote physical well-being

* improve mood and memory

*sharpen senses

*revitalize a person

"Research also says that taking a nap of 30 minutes a day is better than sleeping 30 minutes later in the morning"

So, go rest your eyes because research says it is good for you!

all images via

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