Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April's Sentences

I have been writing a sentence per day so far since January as one of my New Year's goals. This month I did slack a little so I had to go back and fill in a few days. I am happy that I did keep up with it even if it meant skipping a few day or a week. Yikes. Oh, well. Here are April's sentences:

1. Tiffany, you were the highlight of my day. I have missed you so much.

2. Sometimes it is hard not to count the minutes or hours until he leaves, just be thankful he is home.

3. I love knowing that you are just right across the room and I can look at you whenever I please.

4. I love dumpster diving with you and finding buried treasures.

5. I did my first ever portrait today and it turned out quite well.

6. A day in the life of a teacher really wears a person out.

7. I started my first paint by numbers since I was a little kid.

8. The first weekly craft night has begun.

9. Crazy Cora loves you Roy!

10. Today we took our first bike ride together and had our first game with friends!

11. Flu bug, flu bug go away and don’t come back any other day.

12. Thank you, Mom, for making my _ _ _ _ stop.

13. Finally, there is relief. Laura, know that I love, support you, and will always pray for you.

14. Thank you, Dustin, for being my drawing model and for the lunch date.

15. Another fabulous night of crafting with the ladies.

16. Sophie, I was honored to have you as a guest.

17. Double date night: a movie and dominos.

18. I love biking riding especially with you. We can never go on enough rides, you make me feel like a kid again.

19. Dancing with the Stars, you have converted me.

20. Melissa, I love to chat with you, it is one of the highlights of my week.

21. Jalapenos, you make my mouth water by just looking at you. Yummy.

22. It feels so good to be in my creative element again.

23. It snowed about a foot today!

24. Thank you for taking care of my crazy jealousies.

25. I forever want to take care of you and especially take your pain away.

26. Self-portrait. Check.

27. Object out of context. Check.

28. Today, I am using my time to focus on my dream . . . to make it come true.

29. Passion Party Consultant?

30. Cramps, why do you have to be so mean?

Us on Easter
What is something that you'll always remember from April?

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